Monday, December 2, 2013

Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas

Town. Minais Gerais, south of Belo Horizonte, is located on a hill region of Brazil, 
Bom Jesus is composed of six chapels and a basilica.
The patron of this church was a Portuguese which built the basilica out of gratitude. The Patron had suffered a severe illness but recovered, and to offer thanks he built the basilica. 

It was built in the late baroque style, and the basilica stands in the middle of the sanctuary.
country produced 1/3 of the worlds golds output. 

Aleijadinho dedicated his whole career to the Brazilian baroque style for architecture and sculpture. Regardless of loosing his toes and hands, he continued to create mater pieces, such as the life size statues of prophets which linger along the outside of the basilica. 

Some of the chapels contain some of his last master pieces. Many scholars admire the emotion which his statues show. He is known to have created some of the most renowned master pieces in South America. 

In 1765 the basilica was decorated from the interior in the rocaille or better known as the Rococo style inspired by Italian models, transforming its original appearance.

Whereas the exterior represents the Brazilian Baroque style, the interior harks back to Italian culture with the decoration in a luxuriant Rococo style that covers the walls and ceilings and clearly inspires the carvings on the altar, the statues and the paintings that cover the walls of the hall and the principal tribune.


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