Saturday, March 16, 2013

What’s The Beef With That?

Chaim Soutine

 Carcass of Beef by Chaim Soutine
Chaim Soutine’s Carcass of Beef, came from the influence of Rembrant’s Butchered Ox. The gory and bloody look of this carcass sends a very strong message, but the story behind this painting is very unique itself. Soutine had poured blood all over the carcass to recreate its gory, fresh, slaughtered subject, which grossed out the neighbors. The neighbors, being fed up with the nauseating smell, called the police, so Soutine began to work fast to finish his masterpiece. The reasoning behind this painting is because he wanted to reflect his disgust toward butchering animals.
(Telling his biographer) “Once I saw the village butcher slice the neck of a bird and drain the blood out of it. I wanted to cry out, but his joyful expression caught the sound in my throat.” Soutine then patted his own throat, according to the biographer, and said, “This cry, I always feel it in there.”
    Through his art, he wanted to “liberate that cry, whether the subject was a person or a beef carcass.” Soutine found a way to express himself to his fullest, by showing the terror of a suffering beef carcass laying to its humility. In a way this painting could be paralleled with the situation of Christ’s crucifixion. As the beef carcass “legs” are in the position that Christ was put on the cross, similar to Rembrant's painting.
   Banksy, the most known unknown street artist, has been subject to creating satirical social and political messages. In 2008, Banksy opened his first “official” exhibition in New York. His exhibition included chicken nuggets being dipped in BBQ sauce, a fur coat made to appear to be a tiger, fish fingers swimming in a goldfish bowl; he is trying to make society question its relationship with humans and animals, which Sautine is doing with the painting. .


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