Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Baroque Fashion

Similar to the art and architectural characteristics of the era, Baroque fashion emulated excessive grandeur. The period was defined by natural silhouetting curves, flowing lines, gold filigree, rich colors, and voluptuousness while the clothing was embroidered with lace, pearls, ribbons, and golden designs. While Renaissance clothing was cluttered with an over abundance of pattern and decoration, Baroque was concerned with making the excess not too excessive.

A feature that is unique to Baroque culture is the starting of separate pieces of clothing that match. A normal Renaissance dress is two pieces that are mixed-and-matched, but a Baroque skirt would be paired with a matching top usually made of the same fabric (later this would become the modern-day suit). Important happenings during the Baroque era that would help to advance the styles at the time was a creation of a dress-maker's guild by Louis XIV.

Women's Clothing:
A noticeable difference in Baroque women's clothing is its appearance to be more loosely fitted and less constricting. Materials for corsets were changed to be more flexible and less rigid and skirts were layered to create a curtain effect. A lower neckline or "decolletage" was popular for tops and was usually paired with a lace color. Decorative aprons were popular among the middle class. For a time, the period adopted a high waistline and sleeves that gathered at the elbows and turned out to see a different pattern on the inside. Patterns were set aside for more solid colors with lace decoration and pearl jewelry. Shoes were pointed with a heel.

Men's Clothing:
The image above shows the "cavalier" style for men during the Baroque. Similar to women's fashion, it has the high waistline, wide lace cuffs, and lace collar. The shoes paired were leather boots with the tops turned out and wide-brimmed hats with feathers. "Pantaloon" breeches were worn loose and the overall look is similar to that found in "The Three Musketeers". 


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