Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Portrait of Madame Matisse (Green-stripe), 1905, Henri Matisse

The piece pictured above radically influenced art. Matisse, a Fauvist, used a simple green stripe down his wife's face, and critics hated it. Its cryptic meaning did not cater to their old-school tastes. The artists of the time, however, loved it. In fact, many of them began to put a green stripe on the faces they painted as a cultural reference to this piece. Some are featured below...

Portrait de Marie Therese, 1937, Pablo Picasso

This is a modern piece by Joseph Garnett, see here

Marie-Therese Walter, 1937, Pablo Picasso

Each of these people made a clear reference to Matisse's work, and Picasso may have even been referencing Matisse's wife as the subject by painting his mistress.

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