Monday, March 18, 2013

Le Corbusier. Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1928-31

Le Corbusier. Villa Savoye, Poissy, 1928-31
Le Corbusier's architectural piece, Villa Savoye, Poissy was built from 1928-31 and was a collaboration with his cousin, Pierre Jeanneret.  It was one of the first buildings to fit into the category of modern architecture and has a very clean, stream-lined feeling to it.  The long windows, bright color and open feeling under the living space seems ahead of it's time. On the one hand I like it very much but on the other it sort of reminds me of a prison which is ironic because the people that he built the house for were Jewish and were sent to Concentration camps during WWII. The house was built with the automobile in mind and the open first floor is meant to allow the car to drive right up under the living space.  I think that Le Corbusier was influenced by the radical change happening in French society during this time.  Mobility was a new way of life, the lower class was leaving the agricultural life and moving to the cities and many artistic people were hoping for a new kind of society that led them to reject the ways they had known and to embrace new ideas of politics as well as art.

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